7 min readJan 17, 2022


Do you think this Lebanese Pastor heard his intuition? Let us know in the comments below…

What’s intuition? And if you don’t have intuition how can you get it? Also, what’s the benefit of having intuition anyway? Well, Wikipedia says, Intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without recourse to conscious reasoning. Different fields use the word “intuition” in very different ways, including but not limited to: direct access to unconscious knowledge; unconscious cognition; inner sensing; inner insight to unconscious pattern-recognition; and the ability to understand something instinctively, without any need for conscious reasoning. That is certainly a mouthful, isn’t it?

Yet some often refer to intuition as that “gut feeling” that comes to you in a split second of thought. Whether or not you decide to allow this “gut feeling” to have a dramatic effect on the rest of your days. According to Sonia Choquette, who is a spiritual leader and master of intuition, she says, and I paraphrase her brilliant comments, …” that there are two types of people, who live in the 5th sensory or those who live in the 6th sensory.” Sonia Choquette, … “5th sensory humans will look at the world through their ego brain. They live in a sense of fear and are worried about pleasing the people around them. Someone who is a 5th sensory person is looking at the world as everything vs me.

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They are not their authentic selves and they often feel isolated and disconnected.” She also goes on to say,… “6th sensory humans, on the other hand, have activated their intuition and understand themselves more and can understand to open up to an entirely new world of awareness and creativity. More importantly, they are connected to others and to the world around them both physically and spiritually. These are the people that are highly intuitive. Thank you to Sonia Choquette at for this easy to understand enlightenment of intuition!

Do You Have Intuition?

Intuition can be developed as a decision-making skill. We are indeed all born with some form of intuition. Although some people may be naturally born with greater levels of intuitive abilities than others. Just like some people are born great singers. Likewise, if you are just a mediocre singer, you can put in the effort in learning how to sing and correct your voice, etc. Anyone can improve their singing as anyone can improve their intuition skills. So how can you improve your intuition skills? Here are three easy ways to do that.

1) When you get that “gut feeling” coming, write it down immediately. Even if that thought doesn’t make sense at the time. Write it down anyway. Intuition sometimes comes through in pieces or stages and if you ignore that “gut feeling” message you probably won’t remember it later on. In order for intuition to serve you, you need to remember it.

2)Don’t listen to that nagging internal chat box. You know, the one that always tries to talk you out of doing something. We all have that voice in our heads. ~~~Who Do You Think You Are to go for that job promotion? There are 10 people more qualified than you blah, blah, blah, ~~~Set a new alarm within yourself to step-by-step start to turn off that voice. And replace it with positive affirmations like ~~~I’m not less than the other 10 people that applied for that job. ~~~You’re no less than them and you work just as hard as everyone else too. So next time follow your intuition.

3)Find a peaceful place you can take refuge in regularly. Now this means different things to different people. Some people’s quiet place may be a room, it may be a closed-door in the home office space. Yet other people may find it to be the bathroom. Yet there may be those who find a quiet little bench in the nearby park with the singing of an occasional bird to be quite helpful. Still, others may enjoy going to a church. Whatever your peaceful and tranquil place is, you need to have a safe haven where you can go on a regular basis so that you can sit quietly and tune in.

If you feel like stuff is too much to handle…then you can reach out and anonymously talk with a qualified therapist by clicking ad here for more information.

What’s The Payoff Anyway?

No person in their right mind would bother putting in the effort to improve their skill unless there was a payoff. Well, the good news is there are a lot of payoffs in this instance. Intuition is a life skill with multiple positive benefits. We have listed four of them below.

1) Be more creative, to allow yourself to open up to new ideas and new possibilities. It can seem amazing; all the doors that can open for you. All kinds of new situations can arrive which seemed perhaps impossible before. This is one of the wonderful things about creativity! So if you find yourself saying no to everyone’s idea… What if you’re going to have the same thing for dinner every night, and that “gut feeling” says to try something new. Why not try something different recipe or that new restaurant, maybe your intuition is trying to tell you something.

2) Build stronger and deeper relationships. Who doesn’t want that? Generally, when you have positive relationships in your life, you feel like the universe has your back. This is a very important attribute to have. And the sooner you have it the more beneficial it will be.

3) Find your calling and your purpose. It’s amazing how tired and unmotivated we can become when we don’t know what we are doing. At times this can ring true in our life. So the sooner we can tune in to what our life calling is, the easier it becomes to navigate. Imagine steering a ship, but you don’t know where you are going. So you continue sailing around the ocean. But you don’t know what your final destination is. So you just keep sailing and sailing around, actually not getting anywhere. This takes a lot of energy and life fuel.

4) Reduce stress levels. Studies show across the board that when you lean into and increase your intuition level skill, you naturally have a reduction in stress levels. Simply put your intuition becomes like your life GPS. I don’t know about you all, but when I’m going somewhere that I don’t know, I feel more comfortable when I turn on my GPS and map finder. I feel like, well, I don’t have to know everything about where I’m going. And I feel more relaxed because I can depend on my GPS to tell me where to go in good time. That is a big relief.

Want more help in learning about your intuition. Download our free eBook The 21st Century Spiritual Shift here.

Like to learn more about intuition, click ad here to use excellent tools in using your intuition to make all your dreams come alive. So next time you get that hunch, “gut feeling” or as the Lebanese Pastor said, a prompting from the Holy Spirit, maybe you can try to lean into it. And you may find a wonderful new experience that you didn’t expect.

All photos are courtesy of Pixabay unless stated otherwise.

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Servedwell is a cook that let's food heal her soul. And Servedwell is a teacher, a book author, a mother, and a lover of life all at