10 min readJun 1, 2023


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diet for sensitive stomach

Diet For Sensitive Stomach

A sensitive stomach is a common condition that can cause discomfort, bloating, & gas. Usually, it is characterized by pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen, bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, & indigestion. The causes of a sensitive stomach can vary, from food allergies to stress & anxiety.

We empathize with anyone out there who experiences discomfort and digestive issues due to certain foods and ingredients. Our family has endured generations of stomach issues from birth. So we totally get it! We also recognize that a diet for sensitive stomach can be needed for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it makes us all wonder,” Is that Steak & Cheese Sub sandwich, worth the aftermath? If you get what we mean…🤯

We understand that people and children with dietary restrictions often feel limited in their food choices. Which is why you are most likely reading this article. We strive to provide you and your family with options that are both nutritious and delicious. In addition, we offer you tips and different options for managing digestive issues. We believe that everyone deserves to enjoy food without experiencing discomfort or pain, and we are committed to making that a possibility for individuals with a diet for sensitive stomach (s).

We understand as a family, the challenges that we went, and go through regularly, to come up with our own diet for sensitive stomach. And hope to offer more options for providing solutions that are both effective and enjoyable. Of course, at the end of the day, each person has to monitor their own diet for sensitive stomach. And it sure is nice when you can try out different menu options.

Experiencing the discomfort of a sensitive stomach is common. You know that eating the wrong foods can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. Eating the right foods is essential to maintaining digestive health, and the proper diet for sensitive stomach is a great way to ensure you consume the proper nutrients without causing any discomfort. This post explores the best diet for sensitive stomach and the easiest carbs to digest to keep your digestive system in its best condition.

Eating the right foods is essential for individuals with sensitive stomachs. A proper diet for sensitive stomachs is designed to avoid these trigger foods and instead focus on nutrient-dense, easy-to-digest foods that won’t cause any discomfort.

Choosing Carbohydrates For Easy Digestion

The right diet for sensitive stomach avoids trigger foods and focuses on nutrient-dense, easy-to-digest foods. Carbohydrates play a vital role in digestion, and choosing the right ones for individuals with sensitive stomachs is essential. The easiest carbs to digest are those low in fiber and fat and high in simple sugars.

Identifying the Easiest Carbs to Digest

When it comes to choosing the easiest carbs to digest, for a diet for sensitive stomach, there are several options to consider:

  • Rice: White, jasmine, and basmati rice are all great options for a diet for sensitive stomach. They are low in fiber and fat and high in simple sugars, making them easy to digest.
  • Potatoes: Boiled or mashed potatoes are high in simple sugars and low in fiber, making them easy to digest.
  • Bananas: Ripe bananas are an excellent source of easily digestible carbs. Bananas are packed with simple sugars and low in fiber.
  • Toast: Whole wheat or white toast is another great option for a diet for sensitive stomach. Toast is low in fiber and fat and high in simple sugars, making it easy to digest.
  • Oats: Plain oatmeal or oat bran is a great source of easily digestible carbs. They are high in soluble fiber, which can help to regulate digestion.
30 Easy Digest Carbs chart

Exploring Protein Sources for Sensitive Stomachs

One of the essential nutrients for our bodies is protein, but some protein sources can be harder to digest than others. For those looking to make their own diet for sensitive stomach, it’s important to identify protein sources that are easy on your digestive system.

Meats can be a great protein source but also hard to digest. The challenges associated with digesting meat comes from its complex structure and high-fat content. For example, it requires a lot of stomach acid to break down, which can cause discomfort and digestive issues.

Identifying the hardest meats to digest:

Diet for sensitive stomach

When it comes to meat, not all are created equal when it comes to digestibility. Meats are digested differently in comparison to each other, and knowing which ones to avoid, or limit is important.

Processed and fatty meats: sausages, bacon, salami:

Processed, fatty meat is the hardest meat to digest. Sausages, bacon, and salami are all examples of processed meats that are high in fat and can be hard on the stomach.

Red meats: beef and lamb:

Red meats like beef and lamb are also challenging to digest as they are high in fat and require a lot of stomach acid to break down.

Alternatives to hard-to-digest meats:

Luckily, there are alternatives to hard-to-digest meats that can still provide plenty of protein.

  • Lean meats: chicken, turkey, fish:

Lean meats like chicken, turkey, and fish are all great sources of protein that are easy to digest. These meats are lower in fat and require less stomach acid to break down.

  • Plant-based protein sources: tofu, tempeh, seitan:

Plant-based protein sources like tofu, tempeh, and seitan work great for a diet for sensitive stomach. These protein sources are easy to digest and can be used in various dishes.

Eggs And Upset Stomach

This a question most people ask themselves when experiencing digestive issues. The answer depends on the individual “Are eggs good for an upset stomach?” Eggs are a great source of protein, making them important for maintaining a healthy diet, but they can also be hard to digest for some people.

Benefits and drawbacks of eggs for sensitive stomachs

For those who can tolerate them, this can be an egg-cellent addition to a diet for sensitive stomach. Eggs are easy to prepare and can be eaten at any time of the day. Eggs are also packed with nutrients, such as choline, which helps the brain function, and lutein, which can help improve eye health.

However, some people may find eggs hard to digest which can cause bloating, gas, and other digestive issues.

5 Easy Meals If You Have a Super Sensitive Stomach

Factors to consider when consuming eggs

If you want to incorporate eggs into your diet for sensitive stomachs, there are a few things to remember. Firstly, paying attention to how your body reacts to eggs is important. For example, if you experience digestive discomfort after eating eggs, you may want to limit your intake or avoid them altogether.

Secondly, it’s important to choose high-quality eggs. Finally, look for organic and pasture-raised eggs, which are more likely to be free from hormones and antibiotics.

Cooking methods: boiled, poached, or scrambled

When cooking eggs, a few methods work well for a diet for a sensitive stomach. Boiled and poached eggs are generally easier to digest than scrambled eggs, as they are cooked more gently and are less likely to be exposed to high heat.

Digestibility Of Oatmeal

Diet for Sensitive stomach

Is oatmeal hard to digest? This is a common myth that many people have about this popular breakfast food. But, in reality, oatmeal is quite easy to digest, particularly when prepared properly.

Debunking the myth of oatmeal being hard to digest

The idea that oatmeal is hard to digest likely stems from the fact that it contains a high amount of fiber. While fiber is important for digestive health, it can also cause discomfort if you are not used to consuming it. However, with some patience and persistence, you can train your body to tolerate fiber-rich foods like oatmeal.

Understanding the factors affecting oatmeal digestibility

There are a few factors that can affect how easily oatmeal is digested.

Firstly, the type of oats that you choose can make a difference. Instant oats are the easiest digestible carbs, as they are precooked and broken down into smaller pieces, which makes them a perfect addition to the diet for sensitive stomachs. Rolled and steel-cut oats can be harder to digest as they are less processed and require more chewing.

Secondly, how oatmeal is prepared can also affect how easily it is digested. Cooking time and consistency are both important factors to consider. For example, overcooking oatmeal can make it mushy and harder to digest, while undercooking it can make it too tough and difficult to chew. Aim for a creamy and smooth consistency when preparing your oatmeal.

Incorporating oatmeal into a diet for sensitive stomach

If you want to incorporate oatmeal into your diet for sensitive stomach, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, start with a small portion size and gradually increase it as your body gets used to the fiber. You can also try soaking your oats overnight in milk or water to help break down the fiber and make them easier to digest. Finally, you can add fresh fruits, nuts, and seeds for flavor and nutrition or mix some Greek yogurt for a creamy and protein-packed breakfast.

Digestibility of Other Common Foods

Diet for sensitive stomach

Let’s get a quick overview of some other common foods and their digestibility:

  • Beans — Beans are high in fiber and can be hard to digest for some people. However, soaking them overnight before cooking can help.
  • Pasta and Bread — Pasta and bread made from refined white flour can be hard to digest, as they are low in fiber and high in simple carbohydrates. Opt for whole grain versions instead; it will be a better addition to the diet for sensitive stomach.
  • Spaghetti — The gluten in wheat pasta can be hard to digest for some people, causing discomfort and bloating. However, there are gluten-free pasta options available that may be easier to digest.
  • Avocado — Avocado is a healthy fat rich in nutrients, but it can be high in fiber and difficult to digest for some people. Moderation is key.

Do you have times when you think your mind is telling you not to eat that, but you’re not really sure…then check out this article to help you recognize the signs.

The diet for sensitive stomach can be challenging, but it is not impossible. By paying attention to the foods that trigger discomfort and incorporating easily digestible carbs into your diet, you can help to regulate your digestion and improve your overall health. For example, you can find the perfect diet for sensitive stomach with a little patience and experimentation.

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Disclaimer~Nothing on this website is intended to be read, taken, or experimented with as a medical form of treatment. This information is for the sole purpose of suggesting possibilities for a new lifestyle. The information provided is offered as a possible preventive care option. It is not in any way to replace medical advice given by a medical doctor. Furthermore, one should consult with their own family physician before starting any type of new lifestyle change regardless of whether it be food, nutrition, or otherwise.

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Servedwell is a cook that let's food heal her soul. And Servedwell is a teacher, a book author, a mother, and a lover of life all at