10 min readJan 27, 2022


21 Day Quarantine Now!

So how is this 21 quarantine thing going to be? I mean, how hard can it be to past 21 days in quarantine? And this time we’re serving our quarantine in a hotel instead of at home. Well, 21 days (even in quarantine) at a hotel should be great. I would guess that it could be good? Everyone would like to stay at a hotel for 21 days. That is what I told myself. But what really will happen? Now that’s an excellent question.

We arrived late on a Saturday night at about 10:30 pm. They quickly escorted us into our room and told that the whole procedure had to be handled within 3 minutes because of safety precautions. Okay, that makes sense. Ok, they certainly didn’t want people hanging around the lobby, just in case of infection. So we quickly went to our room. Once inside, we put down our things and were very thankful to have arrived in safety as the time in the airport for checking was quite tiresome. Although they took good care of and looked after us during this time. After they tested us in the airport, they asked us to go to the waiting facility for the results of our tests. They were so kind to give out bottles of water and snacks. You could even choose your own. How considerate of the airport.

Covid -19 And The Elderly

We missed lunch and now it was 10:30pm so where’s the dinner? I called downstairs and asked them for some type of dinner, any kind of dinner would do. Someone immediately informed me that we arrived after dinner time and that the kitchen was now closed at that hour. So there was no dinner for that tonight. End of story. Well, that did unsettle me a bit considering we had just arrived, and this was the first dealing I had with anyone from the hotel. I also found it strange that there was no welcome basket of fruits or snacks, which is common. Anyway, we were so tired that we consoled ourselves with some boiled water and tea, counted our blessings and went to sleep.👵

The next morning we got the first breakfast from our pre-established menu list. Which we had to hand in before boarding the airplane. This menu had two items to choose from for each meal. You could not order extra of anything. Even if you were starving. Hum… now that seemed kind of strange to me too. Since, the hotel that we selected had many stars attached to its name. Well, it quickly seemed like this quarantine differed from staying at a hotel on vacation. Or at least any hotel that I’ve ever stayed at before. Alright, that’s fine. I shook it off and said we just got here; it takes time to adjust. So let’s just relax for a bit and see how it goes.

I went around the room and look for blessings. I’m thrilled to say I found quite a few. First, to see four enormous windows in our hotel room. What an accurate impression. I don’t recall ever staying in a hotel room that had four windows, and these windows were quite huge for a hotel. Something definitely blessed us to “live out my light” every time I looked at those enormous windows. I considered that a blessing from above. What’s even more amazing is that one window actually could open, and it had a wonderful ventilation. That’s another thing that’s quite unusual in hotels. Usually the windows don’t open (in tower style hotels) unless you call to the concierge and ask them for the key.

Next our beds were super soft, but not too soft. You know what I mean? Just the way we liked it. Someone arranged the room very well with a nice desk in front of one window for my son to take his exams. The lighting in the room was very attractive as well, as well the overall room’s décor was attractive. Overall, our 21 day quarantine in this hotel room seemed like a positive environment to be in. Or was it? If you feel you would like to anonymously talk with a qualified therapist, click ad here for more information.

How To Stay Motivated During Quarantine

Here we were again. The same question I asked myself when I went through the 14 day quarantine. If you’re wondering what’s the difference between a 14 day quarantine and a 21 day quarantine, you may read this article…Define Quarantine! here. Anyway, now things are quite different! I don’t have my kitchen to cook with, so that will make a big difference. What can I do to pass the time? I have an extra week attached to this quarantine. So what should I do? This time around I had paper, pencils, two reading books which I bought in the airport, my Bible, and my computer.

I was going to have to make do with those items. And I was also going to make my office since there was only one desk in the room, and my son needed it for his exams and homework. Well, as they say, when push comes to shove, you can get creative. Look at my funny desk for 21 days in the photo below! Leave a comment in the comment box. Is that the funniest desk you’ve ever seen in your life? Well, it was the best I could do considering the situation. I even tried doing my work on the carpet floor, but unfortunately that idea didn’t hold up for very long. So I changed to my luggage desk. hahaha Which I must confess was not the best choice for my back.

Luggage desk in quarantine. Photo property of

Recipes For Covid-19

Since I didn’t have my test kitchen anymore, I thought, how could do that I loved without a kitchen? The idea came to me, I could make up and plan for more recipes for COVID-19. Considering that even with the vaccine it seems like this coronavirus is not in any hurry to leave. So it wouldn’t hurt to spend a little time in recipe curation. To my surprise, the hotel food did not seem to be prepared by the hotel. The menu choice was not various at all.

Even so we looked forward to each meal as a milestone in time, breakfast, lunch, dinner, a movie and then go to sleep. It was a way to measure the time going by. As far as the menu selection; it had much to be desired. And at the end of the 21 days in quarantine, I am so happy to share that I lost 6 pounds of weight. That’s great. Since I have been trying to lose a little of weight, anyway. Imagine losing weight and still taking naps and no exercise! What a trade off. Oh, and I could also watch a movie anytime I wanted to. Go figure. 🤷‍♀️

Remembering SARS/Coronavirus

With everything going on in the news and being in quarantine for 21 days after already serving a 14 day quarantine, one’s mind wanders off a bit. It got me thinking about SARS since I was in Asia and what happened in that time. Because of some unsettling feelings, I would retreat to my open window to pray and meditate. Taking in the fresh air and reminding myself of the daily countdown, until when we could leave. Reminding myself that we would not be here forever. If your going though quarantine alone and prefer to anonymously talk with someone about your situation, click ad here for more information.

Quarantine sock dryer. Photo property of

Reminding myself that this was just a small temporary necessity for the safety of myself and of society. I even took up a hobby of washing socks! Yes *** socks. Somehow it soothed me and made me feel like I was more in a homie environment. Kind of like camping with your friends and making the best of it. Around the 15th day we seemed to reach the climax of our halfway mark. Now more than ever we were counting down the days until we could leave with great anticipation.

Ways To Serve Others

In the 14 day quarantine we were with other family members so it seemed much easier to serve others. But now, being in a hotel without many resources, this posed to be more of a challenge. We decided to make a daily check-in in videos (shown above) so that we could encourage others who have to go through a quarantine. As well it is said, “this too shall pass”. I sincerely hope that others can benefit from our experience!

Quarantine Support-More Than Ever!

Once again, as my karaoke song says, I get by with a little help from my friends, oh yes, I get by with a little help from my friends.💛 The weekly check-up from friends and family members were really appreciated. They really helped the days pass. At a certain point we were missing a working pair of earphones. Which is quite a necessity if you are two people in a hotel room for 21 days. Ha ha ha. So I reached out to a dear friend of mine, Beck, and asked her to send me some. Not only did she send me the earphones but she also daringly asked me what else I needed! Now that’s what you call, going the extra mile!

Well then, I asked for some lined writing paper. On another occasion, my dear pastor called on me and asked us how we were doing. Upon my confession of the menu, 😆 I was soon overwhelmed to receive a lovely fruit basket and some more lined paper. Such a thoughtful gesture and so well received. Knowing that others were checking on us was a great boost for our daily moral. I have learned two appreciate an orange in a completely different light, since those days. On some days an orange was all I had eaten for the entire day. That really changes the value system. If you feel you would like to anonymously talk with a qualified therapist, click ad here for more information.

The day finally came, and it was time for us to leave. I must admit I had a few butterflies in my stomach. We had been there for so long… I realized I had not worn a pair of shoes in 21 days. Never did that before. That was something new! I also realized that I have never gone 21 days without cooking a homemade meal. Oh my word, you kidding me! No! Three days is the longest I’ve ever gone without cooking. I had one night that I literally dreamt of eating lasagna. Can you imagine that!

Well, looking back on the experience I would like to thank the government and all the medical officials who worked so diligently to do their best to keep the society safe. It is difficult to fight an enemy which you can not see. And this virus is indeed troublesome. Also we are thankful for the quarantine that we served as well as others. We are hopeful that this data and information that was gathered will be of great use to the safety and the well being of all societies. We pray that all governments will share information regarding how to put an end to this COVID-19 virus once and for all. Stay Safe everyone!

Do you feel like this quarantine stuff is too much to handle…then you can reach out today and anonymously talk with a qualified therapist, by clicking ad here for more information.

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Are you getting ready to go into a 21 day quarantine?

Maybe 14 day quarantine?

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We’re here to help each other on this journey we call life.

All photos are courtesy of Pixabay unless otherwise specified.

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Servedwell is a cook that let's food heal her soul. And Servedwell is a teacher, a book author, a mother, and a lover of life all at